

※英語を喋りたい必見※ 「留学をしないで、英語が喋れるようになる5つの方法」

Hi guys!!
In the last blog, I told you guys about studying abroad. 
Today, I am going to talk about how to improve your English without studying abroad.

If you have not checked the last blog, please check it out!

*This blog is basically for those people who are studying English, but if you are studying a language like Japanese, this blog can also help you!!*

[How to Improve your English skills]

Okay! I will Introduce 3 practical ways to improve your English skills without studying abroad.


1.  Online English Websites/オンライン英会話

I think some of you guys know about Online English websites. There are many courses in Online English websites. I really recommend for you to try 「Free Talk」. A free talk is a class that you will talk with an English teacher about any topics you want or that the teacher gives you.

皆さん、オンライン英会話をご存知だと思います!オンライン英会話には、様々なコースがあり、その中でもおすすめなのが「Free Talk」 です。多くのオンライン英会話のサイトでは、1コマ、30分で、その中で、自分が話したいことや、トピックを与えられそのことについてお話するということです。

You will able to know your speaking level if you take a free talk on online English websites. Also, you will learn natural English from professional English teachers.


It really depends on what website you look at, but taking a class using an online English class is not quite cheap.



You are entailed to one free trial on various online English websites. You can take a class once for free in which you can check your level or practice your speaking.


2.  Make friends with English speakers/ 外国人と友達になる

Currently, there are a bunch of foreigners in Japan. People who are interested in Japan and Japanese culture are increasing.


If you make friends with them, you will have more opportunities to use English/Japanese.


How can you make foreign friends??


・Use Language Exchange apps such as Hello talk.

    言語マッチングサイトなどを利用する(Hello Talkなど)

・To go The Hub or a bar that foreigners tend to go to.


・To join any events you are interested in. For example, use apps such as Meet Up.

   イベントに参加する(Meet Upなどで)

 ・Attend an international party



If you use those, you will definitely get more opportunities to use English/Japanese.


I am going to introduce how to use and details soon in my blog!!


3.  趣味に結びつける

When you study English/Japanese, you may use an English/Japanese textbook or vocabulary book. I used to use those, but I decided not to use because I really hated using books to study.


What did I do then?  I related English to my interests.


Here are some examples that I often practiced.


Watch a movie in English with English sub.


・Listen to some American music.


Watch sports in English.


    Watch American Youtubers.


If you are studying Japanese, you can also do the same things that I just told you!!

If you just keep doing those things at least, you will able to expose yourself to English/ Japanese every day!!


4.  Write a diary/日記を書くやテーマに沿って文章を書く

Writing a diary is one of the most important things you can do to improve your English.
You can start writing a diary using the topic "what I did today" at first.


You can decide how many words you should write every day in the diary.


Once you get used to writing a diary,
I recommend that you write about something you are interested in.


Examples of topics for a diary

・About your favorite movie.


・About your interests.


・About your favorite artists


・About your future or dream.


・About your favorite brand of clothing, etc.


Writing a diary or about something you like helps you to improve not only your vocabulary and expression but also your writing skills. If you write about what you often do in the diary or about things that you like, you are able to then remember vocabulary and expressions that match your interests and daily life. Therefore, when you meet people and speak English/ Japanese you can then use the material that you wrote in the diary in order to communicate with them. Thus, it is quite practical!!

日記やテーマを決めて何かを書くことにより、単語力や表現力だけではなく、ライティングスキルも上がります!加えて、日記を書くことで、実際に、外国人と英語でコミニケーションコミニケーションをとるときに、「What did you do yesterday?」と聞かれたら、答えられるので、実践的な方法です!

5.  Search and remember vocabulary/単語を書く

What do I exactly mean by search and remember vocabulary?


It means that if there is/ are vocabulary that you don't know or a phrase that you don't know, you can just google it and take a screenshot on your phone. Also, you need to know how to use those. Then, you will review the vocabulary or phrases.

これは、知らない単語や、自分が「これ英語なんていうの ?」という単語を出てきたときに、その単語の意味と使い方を調べて、ノートや携帯でスクリーンショットを取り、後で見返すということです。

For instance, If you don't know how to say  "I feel dizzy." in Japanese,
you can just google like 「I feel dizzy in Japanese 

Googleで「めまいがする 英語 使い方」などと調べれば、すぐに出てきます。

If you just remember the phrase(s), you will be able to respond or tell a person how you feel when you talk with Japanese people.


I have been doing this for 3 years. Now I don't have any issues when I talk with native speakers in English.


As you can see, Even though you don't go to study abroad, there are many ways to learn English or Japanese.
